Hi.  I’m Lyn Worldon, owner of Bonvale Holistic Health.  I have an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy, Nutrition and Western Herbal Medicine, as well as a Bachelor of Nursing. 

Bonvale Holistic Health has been born out of a passion for having a vital, healthy, vivacious, fully alive, fully active mind and body.  I have seen the opposite of that in many people’s lives and the effect it has on quality of life.  When I started to see what poor choices in my own life were leading too, namely osteoarthritis, I knew I had to do something. 

Stress and Inflammation – I believe are the biggest drivers of most health conditions.  When it is chronic and ongoing, the immune system becomes fatigued and overburdened and that’s when we fall in a heap!  We can end up with an autoimmune issue, dementia, arthritis, diabetes, mental health issues, chronic fatigue, gut issues, skin issues, and the list goes on.  These conditions don’t happen overnight, they are bubbling away under the surface until they become noticeable.

So what may be causing/triggering the inflammation?   Stress in its many forms.  Stress is not just emotional; it is also physical and environmental.

Our bodies are being bombarded with all sorts of stressors – mold, parasites, infection, chemical exposure, toxins in plastics, lotions, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, everything we put on our skins.  There are toxins in our water, exhaust fumes, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, and in GMO (genetically modified) foods. All of this is adding to the toxic load on our bodies daily and then there is mental, emotional stress leading to inflammation, poor diet, gut dysbiosis/leaky gut and more.

Do you get the picture?  Our bodies just don’t cope.  You may be okay at the moment, but that load is just adding and adding to the burden that will one day be an issue. 


this is where I come in. 

My motto is: “LONGEVITY. It’s not about living to 100, it’s about living to 100 WELL!”

I can help you reduce the toxic load.  In my clinic I have some protocols for dealing with parasites, opening up drainage and elimination pathways in the body, detoxing, balancing our gut microbiome, and cleaning up our diet and the cupboards in our home. 

I produce many products using natural ingredients, plants and essential oils with beneficial and medicinal properties.  From moisturisers to mosquitoe sprays, foot soaks, bench wipes, and of course a lovely selection of herbal teas for all occasions.  Most of these you can purchase from me at the markets, at my clinic or online.

So many of us are empty, joyless, stressed, exhausted, and lacking energy, and motivation. 

Is that you? 

I want to encourage your heart to make a change now, and walk into a living, thriving, vibrating life that will be altogether different.